lego movie


l/o to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie

harry potter

lego ninjago

super man\greenlanteren





star wars

1.Emmet (Chris Pratt), an ordinary LEGO figurine who always follows the rules, is mistakenly identified as the Special -- an extraordinary being and the key to saving the world. He finds himself drafted into a fellowship of strangers who are on a mission to stop an evil tyrant's (Will Ferrell) plans to conquer the world. Unfortunately for Emmet, he is hopelessly -- and hilariously -- unprepared for such a task, but he'll give it his all nonetheless.

the main themes of the movie are teamwork and be creative to  belive in your self and others

3 will arnet batman

chris prat batman

will ferall lord business

Elizabeth banks Lucy wyldstyle

morgan freeman virtrius

thursday 15th september 2022

industry research

l\o to research the process companies and regulators behind the fil industry 

1 production in the film industry is

Production: The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props 

distribution in film is Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. This is normally the task of a professional film distributor

exhibition is

Exhibition is the retail branch of the film industry. It involves not the production or the distribution of motion pictures, but their public screening, usually for paying customers in a site devoted to such screenings, the movie theater.

2  conglomerate in film is 

A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

3 regulates in film in the uk are

The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release. The BBFC uses published Classification Guidelines for certain age ranges, ensuring that the content of the film is age appropriate and that children or young people do not see films that are unsuitable for them.

4 pg rating

5 the video council standards

6 4 and older 

7 warner bro animation

8 phil lord and Chris miller 

9 tt fusion 

10 warner bros

11 the advertising standards  authority

Thursday 22nd september

l\o to research the process companies and regulators behind the film industry


regulators do one of the 2 things

giving something a age rating or ensures the products  are acceptable 

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There are lots of fight sequences in which the good characters take on various baddies, including Lego robots and Lego skeletons. The Lego figures kick and punch at each other, while leaping around in fantastical style. Very few of the blows are clearly seen to land and all the action involves toy figures rather than humans. Occasionally the heads of the Lego figures pop off during fights, and one character's head is knocked off by a flying coin but continues to talk to his friends. Other sequences have science fiction space ships and robots shooting laser beams at others, causing explosions and crashes. No one is seen to get hurt and the fact that all the fighting involves animated toy figures means that the fantasy nature of the violence is very clear.

1) why is it important for film regulation to exist

its important because it protects children and vulnerable   adults

2  some people might be against film regulation because if someone below the age of the rating they might not be able to watch even if they really want to

3the BBFC used to be called the British board of film censors it has been changed because some people thought it may be censored out 

narrative theory 

1 a mixture of the genres 

comedy romance action fantasy 

2 it intimates the matrix 

3 hyper reality 

equilibrium -emmet wakes and  goes gets a coffee

disruption something happens (usually caused by film main antagonist) to disrupt normal life

recognition of disruption goes

 to lord business and asks what is wrong

attempt to solve goes and gets rid of bad guys powers

thursday 29th september 2022

the hero emmet

the villain lord business

the donor is the kid 

the helper wildstyle

 princess the wildstyle 

the dispatcher virturis 

the princess  virtuis 

the false hero is batman

vertical integration is acquiring or developing one or more  parts of a company's production

it helps increase profit because  you dont have to gives to other companys

it helps because you dont have to wait for other companys or rely them

thursday 4th October 2022

l\o to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics

targets family audience made up of three parts 

young kids whop play with lego 

teenagers are the most go to the cinema 

the lego movie is aimed at anyone really all ages it has lots of things for children like being creativeand stuff it has stuff for teenagers like the hummer and the characters and adults it has stuff and throwback  characters like the spaceship and the humor is aimed at adults 


1 the building blocks of success are common theme that a brand will create it wii be useful or entertaining that would be aimed at a consumer the content can be pretty much anything as long as it fits the brand even if its not strictly related 

2 there aren't any rules its your imagination the company brought people in to create a genuine funny clever 

3 it creates nostalgia for the a veiwer and they may rewatch it later on even showing it to younger relatives or younger people 


people say lego movie has heart becuae the lego movie has a lot of emotions in it

they make the film enjoyable and not just about lego

tent pole production

a program or film that surports the finical performance of a film studio or televison network 

a tent pole production is a film  pretty much made to make money from it and helps little projects 


Thursday 13th October 2022


lo\ to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie to link the methods  used to target the audience 



the side of buses

macdonalds happy meal 




lego sets 

top trumps 

every week in January 2014 they would post a new poster of character                                                                    

leo stores scheduled linked event 

free accessory packs available in store after building

 video game realsed on February 4th\

macdonalds released collectables of 3d cups

horiztaial integration 

horizontal  intergration would help 

in dancing of ice  at 7;27 on sunday 9 febuary 2014 five days before the film was realised a whole advert of lego was made ITV made a world first ad break 

big british brands like british heart foundation confused,com and BT

they made it bearable and enjoyable rather than you just wanting to skip or get up and leave that made the idea of it sucessful

Thursday 3rd November 2022

the lego movie trailer 

lo\ to evaluate  the methods used to market the lego movie to link the methods to target audience

1 the logo is lego because its the lego movie 

2 because of the reputation of warner bros  would make you 

equilibrium on the sofa 

disruption wydlestyle gets emmet 

recognition of disruption lord business after him

attempts to solve disruption emmet try to get rid of lord business

new equiblium

1. so the trailers still hides a lot of the movie 

2 so the child dosent  get bored and sill watches it 

camarea work 

1 there was close up; shots because there a familiar faces characters like bat man

2 it creates a sort of imagination and shows its not just one place 

3 to show that a main character\side characters


1 its used to convey a sense of narrative with by how they act 

2 its very action pact and exciting 

3so the movie is not complete silent and has some background noise


1there is no gap because people are not waiting for the next  part 

2 it appeals to  adults

3 more interesting and not boring

mise en scene

1to make it more action like


thursday 10th november 2022

explain how the lego movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences

One element used in the Lego Movie trailer is explosions and actions scenes. They use lots of action scenes and  they use lots of actions scenes and clips to attract attention of a older audience. Element two is sounds they use guns fired and lasers and car and screaming  and all of this it would also  attract a older audience.


lo\ to explain  how vertical integration benefits comapines to analyses using uses and gratification theory

the game developer

1tt games tt fusion  travellers tales

2who is the game publisher 

tt games

3when was it realesd

2014 7th febuary

4 adventure action 

5i os microsoft ps nintendo 

6 multiplayer

1 harrypotter

2 star wars 

3 marvel 

4 sonic

5 spiderman

simulations release benefit  



extended pleasure of the film

cross promotion

Personal identity helps us consider who we are what ideas and values we identify with

information new  information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing

entertains offers distraction from the word 

social interaction we find things we can share and discuss with others

entertainmet because if your bored you can play or if you like completing games then you can it offers 90 charaters to use the lego movie game has lots to and is fun and entertaining 

Thursday 17th november 2022

poster campaign 

lo\ to analyse the repensations on the poster campaign

denotations: there is grey clouded sky a building on fire debris falling a muscular man stood in all black with a cape 

connotations: the connotations are the burning building suggests action explosions and fighting

meanings - the meanings are grey sky could mean dark smoke in the air 

explosions-the background fire on the building the building destroyed 

debris  the debris in the background is falling from the building be destroyed 

batman:  bat man in the poster he kills and saves gotham city 

he wears all black with a mask and cape he dresses as A bat 

context: the colour palate is bright colourful colours which suggests its a colourful creative game for 


logo: the logo is big and blocky given us blocky givens us a idea what the games like

This also would attract children 

font The font is a typical lego font which is commonly used because its commonly used 

Image Lord business is the bad guy emmet is the good guy by the facial expressions it suggests how we need to be game and who is bad and good.

Thursday 24th november 2022

in the LM poster they have an image of   Wonder women on the far left of the poster 

This would appeal to a few ages as Wonder women would a nostalgic character to some she is a super hero character  from the dc comics they would remember her from these comics and movies and seeing  in the poster would tease these fans into watching the movie.

In the LM movie poster they have an image of batman at the left mid of the poster this character would appeal to teenagers and adults as hes part of the dc comics and that franchise they would remember reading comics and action figures of  batman growing up which would want them to see batman and is role in the movie. 

In the lm movie poster they have explosions and fire and total chaos this would attract teenagers mainly boys  and the explosions in the back suggest there will be moderate violence in the move and this would attract people into watching it.

Thursday 1st December 2022

LO/to the representations throughout the Lego Movie promotional campaign


THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: You didn't do this as an analysis - you needed to do this in full sentences POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

Thursday 8th  December 2022

LO/to the representations throughout the Lego Movie promotional campaign

the wrinkles on lord business face says he is about middle aged but virtuous he has wrinkles and he has grey hair that could suggest that hes older he aslo moves slower than others Emmet and wyldstyle havent got wrinkles and move and run around wich suggests they are young

the way virtrivus looks in the poster he supports the stereotypical old aged man but he aslo challenges it by him running keeping up with the younger characters

thursday 5 January

put it all together 

lo\to explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively 

film bbfc

tv radio ofcom


The Advertising Standards Authority

magazines and newspapers ispo

video games


Thursday 19th January 2023

lo to review and reflect on the unit assessments and set personnel targets


for q6 i need to know basic   of the movie 

question 7 i need to explain each reason fully 

question 8 i need to read the question properly 

question 9  i need to read the question and explain my answer 

question 8 is the one i need to revise and fully explain on question8

explain how the lego movie promotional campaign targeted range of audiences 

the lego movie targeted a range of audiences by the promoton of the movie by releasing posters of the characters realise posters of characters of the characters would reach a range of audiences because the characters are old young and the characters could make you feel relatable like emmet being a average day construction worker and wyldstyle being gothic more teenage and lord business being a older charter they also have dc super heros wich teenagers and adults they also have older characters to target the older generation like benny the spaceman wich adults would know they have characters for young kids like unikitty all of these charters target range of audiences they also have a video game for older people the production of the lego movie have done this to target all ages and a wider range of audiences and is a family friendly movie and game 

Tuesday 5th december 2023

lego revison ppe

film bbfc

tv n radio of com

advertising asa

magazines and news papaers impress

video games vsc video standards council

lego audience

young kids who play with lego

parents of those kids who used to play with lego

young cinema goers

uses and gratifications

personal identity- relate to a character ann linking to the characters

information- new characters and worlds

entertaining - humorous

social interaction- card game video game

film poster



scifi flying ships 


comedy emmets scared batman and wildstyle determined

big tall buildings

police helicopters action adventure 


intertextuality -batman

character posters


lord b+v= old wrinkles,serious,shouting

emmet-stupid worker manual negative stereotype about men and boys not intelligent 

wildstyle= feminine=makeup+hair clothes+action break stereotypes black tracksuits +fights

videogame trailer

explosion in the wild west 

train derailed

moved to the city

upbeat fun 


90 characters

loads of worlds




more humour with the main character 

british heart foundation

bt wifi

premier inn

Tuesday 7th may 2024 

do now

film - bbfc

tv and radio - off com

advertising -asa

magazines newspapers - ipso and impress

video games -vsc video standards council 

lego movie target audience young kids



family audience 

uses and gratifications 


personal identity- some audiences may identify with certain figures

information-we often watch movies and play games to gain information 

entertainment- enjoyment of escaping from the real world 

social interaction - talk to friends and family about it play games together 


genre- action fantasy sci-fi 

intertextuality- famous characters

media language  

print poster outfits

colour palette 

moving image mise en scene 




video game 

fast paced 

variety of characters 


famous faces 


lego movie trailer 


the trailer uses two elements of media language by 




tv advert 

1. the marketing campaign was to present the lego movie but they done multiple adverts of lego to represent its realise 

2. this would attract the audience because they played it at 6 o'clock wich is the typical time for a family to be sat watching tv 

3. it broke boundaries by having a whole advert out of lego this has not been done since 

4. the tv ad would've marketed to movie by having people engage with the ad it would've been something different not just the typical adverts you'd usually see 

5.the remade ads helped because no one had ever done  this before and would've been  unique 




  1. Some good notes so far Alex. Please can you either include the questions from the slides on my blog or write them into your answers.

  2. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer

    You didn't do this as an analysis - you needed to do this in full sentences

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS


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