
 Tuesday 12th december 2023

1 mise en scene

2 costume lighting make ip and props

3 politcal historical social

4 denotation what it might represent

5 what it dose represent 

in the 1950s-60s tv so people didn't buy many newspapers


less formal

appealing to younger people

has vouchers and deals

slang - bozo


has photos of the royal family

lots of writing

appealing to older people or old fashioned people

dose not advertise anything

Tuesday 9th January 2024

what is news                                        


what is the purpose of news

educate inform profit persuade entertain

share news with the public

how was news shared historically

through people sharing their news with others in conversation

reading newspapers

what development 150 years ago made it possible to make money from news the printing press

media barrons 

The Sun, The Times and The Sun on Sunday



Guardian Media Group, which has only one shareholder - the Scott Trust

cross media converged conglomerates 

 Owner of the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror,

there main aim is to make money and not inform people

the issues may be

this can effect the content by changing what they report about they can lie abut what they report 

this wont benefit the public at all 

ruthomere and Murdoch own over 50% of the printed press 

newspapers and their online publications( example syengery/convergence) are not legally obliged

to provide an unbiased public information service

Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) own the mail

The Sun is a British tabloid newspaper, published by the News Group Newspapers division of News UK, itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Lachlan Murdoch's News Corp.

owns the sun and the times

Founded in 1903, it is owned by parent company Reach plc. From 1985 to 1987, and from 1997 to 2002, the title on its masthead was simply The Mirror. It had an average daily print circulation of 716,923 in December 2016, dropping to 587,803 the following year. Its Sunday sister paper is the Sunday Mirror.

owns the star express mirror people and daily record

The Barclay family own the telegraph
 The Scott Trust.owns the observer and guardian

Nikkei own the financial times

Tuesday 30th January 2024

the free press is where you can print whatever and gave a democracy 

lie and manipulate the public

government created a regulatory body

for regulation

news papers cant be trusted

protect the public 

against regulation

communication for the public

power to the regulation 

avoid censorship


the observer 


 The Scott Trust

Centre-left British republicanism

subscriptions adverts  ect

so your not paying for news paper all the time but there still making money

observer audience 



accommodation\where they live 

convergence is where 2 things come together like computer\phones and news\newspapers work together

you can now get newspapers like the observer on your phone using the internet and available to most

active audience- can comment share read 

passive audience - can only read less engaging 

Tuesday 6 February


lo to investigate how print newspapers use media language to create meaning 

do now

some newspapaers are funded is by subscriptions online so people sign up to a subscription to see the news.  they can also be funded by being brought in a shop by people and people reading them the traditional way

advantages of online news

more people can read cause its accessible and free anywhere 

disadvantages of online news

disadvantage its free and accessible so less profits 

need technology  to see it

liberalism-willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; openness to new ideas.

internationalism-the state or process of being international.

patriarchy\anti sexism racism expressed in the representations

patriarchy- all men in charge unequal 


celebrity culture- following or obsession with celebs 

sexuality- what your into

genders-getting more equal but still not 100% equal

multicultrism- where your from and your backgrounds

masthead-the observe

dateline the day it was published

byline- carol cadwalker                                                                                                  

headline - labour draws up ultra safe bombproof manifesto

subhead-social care and lord reforms trimmed

caption- stepping into history

Pull quote: Catherine Bennet on page 45- more personal news story,  

stand first -matt smith and football

main image the lady on the front

minor image top of the front cover

columns 3 of them

skybox the yellow bit at the top appeals to people that like food and theatre 

Tuesday 27th February 2024

historical case studies 

do now

typography is different types of ways texts are ritten and the fonts

lexis is the word choice  

Tuesday 12th march 2024

coloured tvs 

cold war

explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which they were published refer to the observer front page from 1960s that you have studied to surport your answer

broadsheets such as the observer reflect the time they were produced the observer from the 1960s reflects the racial inequality of the time the article featuring the mixed race  marriage highlights that this was uncommon in the 60s because its made the front page the quotes also acknowledge a race issue in society of the time of production this article reveals the issues in the 1960s are shown in newspapers

adress the question

an example from the observer


the observer from the 1960s reflects gender inequality and how women were objectified by men the ads of front a cover on the newspaper show women dressed in lingerie wich shows us that men used to look at women as if there objects and would use them '' jackie we are very happy '' lawyers urge divorce by consent cause during this time only the man can decide if the get a divorce   she is only seen as a object and dosent have a say int he relationship

Tuesday 19th march 2024

exam format

do now

the copy would be a lot there would be lots of writing on the observer in the 60s


broadsheet lots of writing formal

tabloid pictures less writing 

question 7 

one advantage of printing on paper is that not just anyone can post stuff and it gets regulated this type of news is favoured by elderly people more then the youth 

an advantage of publishing online is that its free and almost instant news this is favoured by younger people because most have mobile phones laptops etc

question 8 

analyse how this observer front page represents TWO social groups that are often under represented in the media 

the woman is represented as strong determined and is quite feminine in her appearance her hair make up and flower but her facial expressions aren't these juxtapose each other 

alan davies is under represented as a man by showing and telling his story and emotion the high angle long shot makes him look venerable  hes not looking at the camera he looks sad 

an under represented social group on the cover of the observer is alan davis and him talking about his family and secrets he isn't presented a man and dominant he is shown as venerable we can tell by the high angle shot and his body expressions that he is opening up about something and is preparing himself and his emotions 

question 9

the media language in the front of the observer makes it look like a broadsheet newspaper by 

Tuesday 26th march 2024

guided practice 

do now

conventions of a tabloid is pictures and not too much writing

conventions of a broadsheet is lots of writing formal and not many pictures 

the observer is a broadsheet news paper

mast head red and white 

(LIAR) language industry audience representations

genre = types 

types in news = tabloid or broadsheet 


text to image ratio



genre convention of the observer media language 

mast head big bold black and white serif sophisticated 

image 1 main image mid shot rishi sunak and american politician  staged image press conference alliance between countrys this reinforces the historical friendship between the countrys since ww1 

expect politcal on the observer  racial equaltitly 

the media language used in the observer over reflects the genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper 

by the text to image ratio broadsheet news papers there is moe text and writing then there are images and colour and usually the image on the cover is political and very formal another connotation is the image on this cover we can the uk prime minister rishi sunak and what looks like an american politcal leader or mp the photo looks staged and we can see the pair shaking hands showing an alliance wich isn't a new thing because we know England and america have had an alliance since ww1 this clearly establishes that the observer is a broadsheet and very formal and important and therefore it is evident that the observer dose use media language to reflect the generics conventions of a broadsheet newspaper to conclude we can see the media language used in the observer showing that its a broadsheet 


language text 

industry politcal

audience need to work on 

representations image 

Tuesday 16th april 2024

do now

language  industry audience representation 


q6 dirt 


q7 media is hard to regulate online because countrys can only regulate there own things not stuff from other countrys and also anyone can upload news so it would be almost impossible o keep it all regulated 


 one way they follow the conventions of a broadsheet is the formalness of it and it being quite politcal about what they talk about


judgement -introduction ans conclusion 

observer left wing liberal 

audience like food and culture  

the representations are typical for a observere broadsheet news paper   thats a political focus that challenge stereo types by the image the focus on terroism is an ongoing situation in the world today we need it stopped 

another representation is homelessness and this is serious we have men like Jamie Jenkins on the street when he could be fed and watered 

Tuesday 23rd april 2024


the audience of mojo magazines will be a younger audience because the magazines are colourful have music stars on the cover usually and this will attract people i said itl be a younger audience due to the colours on it and how it is factual but not formal 

do now

1 progressive surport equality 

2 left wing liberal 

you'd typically see in a broadsheet lots of formal writing a few images not many a skybox on the top of the paper

LIAR language industry audience representations

genre conventions - type- broadsheet

media language- image layout font text colour 

looks like a broadsheet 

not like a broadsheet the skybox the colours vibrant not formal 

media contexts from the observer 

gender roles 



democracy /liberal viewpoint


celebrity culture 


the media language in the observer newspaper reflects a broadsheet paper by the layout of the writing images and a broadsheet will only have a couple images not including the skybox another way it reflects being a broadsheet is the skybox the skybox is not formal but shows different lifestyles and hobbies you may enjoy or do

another example is the masthead it is big and bold it has a seriff font the mast head is black and white where as a tabloid is red and white suggesting formality this makes the observer a broadsheet and this is what you'd see in a broadsheet newspaper     

therefore it is clearly evident that the observer is broadsheet news paper by the skybox and masthead but also as the photo we know that the observer is a broadsheet and how there surrportive of equality and the main image is a black female celebrity showing equality and the contexts of a broadsheet 

in conclusion the observer reflects the contexts of a broadsheet newspaper 

Tuesday 30th april 2023

do now

the conventions of a tabloid news paper are its colourful and has lots of images typically less formal

the conventions of a broadsheet are its formal lots of writing and on maybe 2 images

Q10 modern analysis 

the media language used in extract 3 shows the observers conventions of being a broadsheet some media language used is the masthead of the observer its bold and black and white where as a tabloid is red and white the layout is also different the observer has lots of formal writing compared to a tabloid. the context of news in a broadsheet is lot more serious in extract 3 its about asthma cg drugs for children 



3.gender equality

4.racial equality


6.attitudes to sexuality 

7.supporting positive mental health


2. alan davies sharing his secrets 

3.women of main cover

4.gender equality




the observer cover from today depicts the contextual issue of cultural contexts we can see on the front  cover a protests for black lives.  this shows contexts of today like the protests after George floyd died 2

 the observer is a broadsheet so it'll will only be topics like gender equality multiculturalism and an example of this is the black lives matter print it has famous boxer Anthony Joshua on the cover 


  1. 9/1/24- Great notes and understanding on News Alex, well done.

  2. 6/2- Good answer 4/4- 2. Provide more detail in explanation for funding

  3. 23/4- Good points. T: Make some contextual links to the cover, also don't mention the Sun, you can use the word tabloid.


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