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 Thursday 4th may 2023

l\o to explore possible tasks and research similar products 


Thursday 11th may 2023

create a front cover and a double page spread article for health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 yr olds

1. the articles on the front are about gaining muscle strength 

2. the covers are typically a modle stood flexing there muscles and healthy fit they look

3. usually white with a bold colour like black red etc 

4. the colour scheme is chose by what sort of fitness there promoting on the magazine

5. there is 1 image on the cover 

6.the masthead is usually in the center near the top and its bold font

7 the insitituaniol information re located in the bottom left and right of the page

8 there are usually one two maybe 3 different fonts and there in black or white colour 

9 there usually one main puff maybe 2

10 theres 1 dps usually by the barcode 

11 none

12 there usually lowercase and in normal font

13 its set out in a formal way

Thursday 18th may 2023

mens health magazine

1. red blue white black

2. high the money he made last year was 18 million

3 all things on the side of the writing on the magazine saying get in shape great stretches

4 there are a variety of different colours to catch peoples eyes                         

5 people are represented as buff strong and charismisc characters

6 25-34 year olds


Thursday 8th june 2023

cw planning 

1. the style of them is set out in a formal chronological way 

2 the font will be bold on the front cover 

3 mid shot type

4 mast head big bold at the top usually centered

5 the homepage will be like any other homepage 

6 content will be about getting fit and healthy and how to look after yourself

name- WE FIT 

tagline - get fit together 

house style - will be a younger male/female working out for the image

colour palette - blue\grey 

cover images- group of teens\young adults helping each other out whilst working out 

possible cover lines= want to get fit fast look no further

barcode bottom right or left £4.99 date

DPS article subject workouts

dps image idea people doing the workouts

dps layout ideas easy to read and not boring

representations- the people on my cover will represented as a before and after result with out any photoshop or editing so its real

im going to make it appeal to the audience by making it with younger people like the audience will bess

Thursday 22nd june 2023
adobe illustrator

Thursday 6th July 


thursday 13th July 2023


l\o to create content that meets the brief by creating meaning for a audience of 14-18 year olds 



thursday 7th september 2023

statment of intent 


Thursday 14th september 2023

coursework  review  

my cover is going to follow the layout and convention's of the cover because it will have a masthead and a banner at the top it will ave one main image and banners around the main image. 

my double page spread will look like a normal double page spread and will have photo and information about how to do exercises how to not over work yourself it will include photos of people doing these workouts there will also be a photos of someone booking into the gym and some information about how to get in and where to start

too do list

get images for my dps and cover

get some information for my dps

Thursday 28th september 2023

do now:

bring it

best abs ever

get back into shape

flat tum fast

build muscle n burn fat

i will take mutiple photos of differnt angles


    Some research, one analysis missing


    A good start - which masthead are you using?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens specifically.


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